
Environmental Organizations

If you are ready to work on some solutions, these groups would be more than happy to get you started! Give them a call. Visit their web site, email them, write to them...get involved!


Alphabetical Listing:

Listings by Category:






Living Things/Endangered Species



African Wildlife Foundation

African Wildlife Foundation - has been working with the people of Africa, since 1961, to protect their natural resources. Most of AWF''s staff is in Africa working at the grass roots level with park managers and communities to safeguard wildlife and wilderness areas.

Write them at:

African Wildlife Foundation
1400 16th Street, NW
Suite 120
Washington, D.C. 20036

Call them at:

(202) 939-3333
(202) 939-3332 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Alliance to Save Energy

Alliance to Save Energy - a nonprofit coalition of prominent business, government, environmental, and consumer leaders who promote the efficient and clean use of energy worldwide to benefit the environment, the economy, and national security. They offer free information on how to increase energy efficiency.

Write them at:

Alliance to Save Energy
1850 M Street, NW
Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20036

Call them at:

(202) 857-0666
(202) 331-9588 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) - Dedicated to advancing energy efficiency. Provides a complete list of energy information for youth.

Write them at:

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
529 14th Street N.W., Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20045-1000

Call them at:

(202) 507-4000

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Animal Concerns

Animal Concerns - is the online community for people concerned about the welfare and rights of animals. As a project of the EnviroLink Network, it is maintained by EnviroLink volunteers around the world.

Write them at:

Animal Concerns
c/o EnvironLink
P.O. Box 8102
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Black Rhino Foundation - promotes and encourages conservation of the highly endangered black rhino.

They are a development arm for a number of organizations that protect and preserve the rhino species through building and maintaining of secured preserves, sanctuaries and national parks. They focus their efforts on creating awareness and generating funds through membership drives, special events, educational programs and merchandising.

Write them at:

Black Rhino Foundation
1250 Cherry Street
Winnetka, IL 60093

Call them at:

(773) 339-2040
(888) 838-8925 toll free
(847) 295-9670 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Bowling for Rhinos - AAZK (American Association of Zoo Keepers) realized that the zoo keepers of the world were extremely conservation oriented and wanted to help save Rhinos and their habitats, yet did not have the financial resources themselves to make any significant impact. They then started a National bowl-a-thon called Bowling For Rhinos. 100% of all donations are sent directly to 3 Rhino Conservation Areas!

Write them at:

Bowling for Rhinos
American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc.
Administrative Offices
3601 SW 29th St., Suite 133
Topeka, KS 66614

Call them at:

(785) 273-1980

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

ppear3 at

Conservation International - works to protect rainforests and other biologically diverse ecosystems using science, economics and community development. Provides information on global wildlife and tips on how to conserve natural resources.

Write them at:

Conservation International
2011 Crystal Drive
Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22202

Call them at:

(800) 429-5660
(703) 341-2400

Visit their web site at:

Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife - is dedicated to the protection of all indigenous wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Offers free information on biodiversity and threatened and endangered animals. They also hold regular contests.

Write them at:

Defenders of Wildlife
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Call them at:

(800) 385-9712

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Earth Island Institute currently has about 30 activists projects going on including many to save several marine mammal species.

Write them at:

Earth Island Institute
300 Broadway, Suite #28
San Francisco, CA 94133-3312

Call them at:

(415) 788-3666
(415) 788-7324 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:


  Environmental Action puts out lots of information on the dangers of dumping plastics, old tires and all kinds of toxins. Contact them for a free listing of recycling centers and publications.

Write them at:

Environmental Action
1525 New Hampshire Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20036

Call them at:

(202) 745-4870

Environmental Defense Fund - is people: scientists, economists, attorneys and others who work in teams to find solutions to environmental problems. From water to wildlife, from toxic chemicals to tropical rainforests, EDF chooses the important areas where people can make a difference in defending the environment.

Write them at:

Environmental Defense Fund
257 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010

Call them at:

(800) 684-3322

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Environmental Investigation Agency

The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) is spearheading international efforts to protect
endangered species such as tigers, bears, rhinos, elephants, whales, dolphins, porpoises and wild birds.

EIA London:

62/63 Upper Street
London N1 0NY

Tel: 020 7354 7960
Fax: 020 7354 7961


PO box 53343
Washington DC 20009

Tel: 202 483 6621
Fax: 202 986 8626

Visit their web site at:

The Fund for Animals – The Fund for Animals was founded in 1967 by prominent author and animal advocate Cleveland Amory. "We speak for those who can't." The Fund is one of the largest and most active organizations dedicated to the cause of animals throughout the world.

Write them at:

The Fund For Animals
200 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019

Call them at:

888-405-FUND (3863)
(212) 246-2633 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Global Tiger Patrol

Global Tiger Patrol - Founded in 1989, Global Tiger Patrol (GTP) is a conservation agency prioritising protection of the tiger in the field. If the wild tiger became extinct, most experts agree that it is extremely doubtful whether it could ever be reintroduced. The tiger, the pre-eminent symbol of the wild, would be gone forever, and with it, Asia's wilderness.

Write them at:

Global Tiger Patrol
87 Newland Street
Essex CM8 1AD,

Call them at:

Tel + 44 (0) 1376 520320
Fax + 44 (0) 1376 519763

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Click here to contact them

The Great Bear Foundation

The Great Bear Foundation - The Great Bear Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of wild bear populations and the ecosystems they need to survive. The Great Bear Foundation was established in 1982 and since then all eight species of bears and a worldwide array of their ecosystems have received its attention.

Write them at:

The Great Bear Foundation
PO Box 9383
802 East Front Street
Missoula, MT 59807

Call them at:

(406) 829-9378
(406) 829-9379 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Greenpeace - an independent, campaigning organization which uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future.

Greenpeace's goal is to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity. Therefore Greenpeace seeks to:
  • Protect biodiversity in all its forms.
  • Prevent pollution and abuse of the earth's ocean, land, air and fresh water.
  • End all nuclear threats.
  • Promote peace, global disarmament and non-violence.

Today Greenpeace adheres to the same principle that led 12 people to sail a small boat into the US atomic test zone off Amchitka in Alaska in 1971: determined individuals can alter the actions and purposes of even the most powerful by "bearing witness," that is, by drawing attention to an abuse of the environment through their unwavering presence at the scene, whatever the risk.

Greenpeace embraces the principle of non-violence, rejecting attacks on either people or property.

Write them at:

Greenpeace (Washington D.C.)
702 H Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20001

Greenpeace (San Francisco)
75 Arkansas St.
San Francisco, CA 94107

Call them at:

(800) 326-0959
(202) 462-1177 (D.C.)
(415) 255-9221 (San Francisco)

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

International Rhino Foundation

International Rhino Foundation (IRF) - is dedicated to the conservation of Black, White, Sumatran, Javan and Indian rhinos; the five species of rhinoceros.

Write them at:

International Rhino Foundation
1400 International Road
Cumberland, OH 43732

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Keep America Beautiful focuses on reducing litter and turning everyone on to the joys of recycling.

Write them at:

Keep America Beautiful, Inc.
1010 Washington Boulevard
Stamford, CT 06901

Call them at:

(203) 323-8987
(203) 325-9199 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

National Audubon Society

National Audubon Society is involved in the "Adopt -A-Species" project with the California Department of Education and the California Department of Fish and Game. This project provides students with the chance to:

  • study an endangered species, its habitat and the threats facing its survival
  • use their knowledge to educate their local community about the species and its habitat
  • conduct a cooperative action project to help preserve or restore the species' habitat

Write them at:

National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street
7th floor
NY, NY 10014

Call them at:

(212) 979-3000
(212) 979-3188 Fax

Visit their web sites at: (national) (regional chapters)

Email them at:


National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project - The NEED project is the country's foremost energy education network. They integrate energy education activities into the curricular and co-curricular lives of member schools and their communities. They help students of all ages understand the many ways energy is used and produced.

Write them at:

NEED Project Headquarters
8408 Kao Circle
Manassas, VA 20110

Call them at:

(703) 257-1117
(703) 257-0037 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

National Wildlife Federation

National Wildlife Federation - is working to strengthen the endangered species act in the face of increasing opposition by developers who want to weak or eliminate it. Also work on wetlands protection, public lands use, and water pollution.

Write them at:

National Wildlife Federation
11100 Wildlife Center Drive
Reston, VA 20190-5362

Call them at:

(800) 822-9919 (in the U.S.)

Visit their web site at:

Email them at: or their Contact page

Note: this is their national address. The Nature Conservancy has offices throughout the U.S.

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy - it's mission is to preserve plants, animals, and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and water they need to survive.

Write them at:

The Nature Conservancy
4245 North FairFax Drive, Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22203-1606

Call them at:

(703) 841-5300

Visit their web site at:


Oceana provides information on how you can protect the ocean habitat.

Write them at:

1350 Connecticut Ave., NW
5th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20036

Call them at:

1-877-7-OCEANA (toll free)
(202) 833-3900
(202) 833-2070 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - (PETA), with more than half a million members, is the largest animal rights organization in the world. Founded in 1980, PETA is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals. PETA operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment.

Write them at:

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
501 Front Street
Norfolk, VA 23510

Call them at:

(757) 622-PETA (7382)
(757) 622-0457 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Contact PETA

Polar Bears International

Polar Bears International - a nonprofit organization dedicated to the worldwide conservation of the polar bear and its habitat through research and education. We provide scientific resources and information on polar bears and their habitat to all interested parties.

Write them at:

Polar Bears International
105 Morris Street, Suite 188
Sebastopol, CA 95472

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:


Rainforest Action Network (RAN) - is a grassroots organization dedicated to protecting the world's rain forests and the rights of their inhabitants through education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action.

Write them at:

Rainforest Action Network
221 Pine Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94104

Call them at:

(415) 398-4404

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Alliance- is a grassroots organization dedicated to protecting the world's rain forests and the rights of their inhabitants through education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action.

Write them at:

Rainforest Alliance
665 Broadway Street, Suite 500
New York, NY 10012

Call them at:

(212) 677-1900
(212) 677-2187 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:


Renewable Energy Policy Project (REPP) and CREST (Center for Rewable Energy and Sustainable Technology) – REPP's goal is to accelerate the use of renewable energy by providing credible information. Lots of online resources, discussion groups, questions and answers.

Write them at:

1612 K Street, NW
Suite 202
Washington, DC 20006

Call them at:

(202) 293-2898
(202) 293-5857 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Contact REPP

Save the Manatee

Save the Manatee Club ave the Manatee Club (SMC) was established in 1981 by U.S. Senator Bob Graham and singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffett so the general public could participate in conservation efforts to save endangered manatees from extinction. The purpose of SMC is to promote public awareness and education; fund manatee research, rescue, and rehabilitation efforts; and lobby for the protection of manatees and their habitat. The Adopt-A-Manatee® program is the primary source of funding for SMC.

Write them at:

Save the Manatee Club
500 N. Maitland Ave.
Maitland, FL 32751

Call them at:

(407) 539-0990
(407) 539-0871 Fax
(800) 432-JOIN (5646)

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Sierra Club

Sierra Club – promotes conservation of the natural environment by influencing public policy decisions--legislative, administrative, legal, and electoral. Some of their programs cover the air, forests, global warming, nuclear waste, population size, and much more.

Write them at:

Sierra Club
85 Second St., Second Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105-3441

Call them at:

(415) 977-5500
(415) 977-5799 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Sierra Student Coalition

Sierra Student Coalition (SSC) - Student-run arm of the Sierra Club with 19,000 members who work on local, regional, national and international campaigns.

Write them at:

Sierra Student Coalition (SSC)
145 Waterman Street, 1st Floor
Providence, RI 02906

Call them at:

(888) JOIN-SSC
(415) 977-5799 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Student Conservation Association

Student Conservation Association (SCA) - Just imagine:

  • surveying endangered marine wildlife by sea kayak in the coastal waters of Alaska,
  • leading hikers through the rain forests of Olympic National Park, or
  • teaching environmental education to city kids who have never slept outdoors in a tent.

That's changing lives through service to nature. That's what the Student Conservation Association (SCA) is all about. Since 1957, thousands of SCA volunteers have worked in our nation's public lands:

  • restoring Yellowstone after the epic fires,
  • aiding revitalization of the Everglades after Hurricane Andrew,
  • saving endangered species in the Rio Grande Valley, and
  • rolling up their sleeves and leading a citywide anti-graffiti campaign in Newark, N.J.

Read a Solutions in Sight interview with SCA founder Liz Titus Putnam.

Write them at:

P.O. Box 550
689 River Road
Charlestown, NH 03603

Call them at:

(603) 543-1700
(603) 543-1828 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

visit their Web site

SEAC - Student Environmental Action Coalition

Student Environmental Action Coalition (S.E.A.C.) – A student run and student led national network of progressive organizations and individuals whose aim is to uproot environmental injustice through action and education. For S.E.A.C. the "environment" includes: physical, economic, political and cultural conditions. By challenging the power structure which threatens these environmental conditions, S.E.A.C. works to create positive change on a local and global level. They now have 10,000 members in over 600 chapters across the country. Each chapter is completely autonomous. That means they work on whatever issues they want to. S.E.A.C. is the only [national environmental] group in the country that is entirely run by students and youth.

Visit S.E.A.C.'s links:

Read a Solutions in Sight interview with S.E.A.C. member Chris Ford

Write them at:

Student Environmental Action Coalition
2206 Washington Street E
Charleston WV 25311

Call them at:

(304) 414-0143

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Surfrider Foundation

Surfrider Foundation is an international environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the world's waves and beaches. They do this through conservation, research, public education and local activism.

Write them at:

Surfrider Foundation
122 South El Camino Real #67
San Clemente, CA 92672

Call them at:

(714) 492-8170
(714) 492-8142 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

The Tiger Foundation - is dedicated to the protection of all indigenous wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Offers free information on biodiversity and threatened and endangered animals.

Write them at:

The Tiger Foundation
Suite 709 - 700 West Pender St.
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1G8

Call them at:

Tel: 604-893-8718
Fax: 604-687-3797

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Save the Tiger Fund

Save the Tiger Fund is dedicated to providing information to help preserve the remaining five subspecies of tigers: Siberian, South China, Indochinese, Bengal and Sumatran. These tigers are an endangered species; only about 4,000 tigers are left in the wild.

Write them at:

Save The Tiger Fund
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

1133 15th Street, NW, Suite 1100
Washington D.C. 20005

Call them at:


Visit their web site at:
Links to more Tiger Conservation Organizations, especially for the classroom.

Email them at:

Tree Musketeers - This was the first eco group founded and run by kids. Young people learn the business and practical skills to take Earth action and teach other kids. The group tackles a variety of local projects by specializing in environmental youth leadership and urban forestry (trees for cities). Tree Musketeers operates the Partners for the Planet Network and has National and Regional Youth Summits, a speakers bureau, and puts out Grassroots Youth Magazine.

Write them at:

Tree Musketeers
136 Main Street Dept. P
El Segundo, CA 90245-3800

Call them at:

(800) 473-0263
(310) 322-0263
(310) 322-4482 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Trees for Life was founded in 1984 to empower people through the planting of fruit trees to help end world hunger. This program is active in India, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Haiti, Indonesia, Nepal, Austria, Canada, and the United States. The Trees For Life program in the U.S. focuses on the importance of the role of trees in Earth's ecological balance. Projects encourage kids to plant trees. Since 1987, more than 3.4 million young people in the U.S. have participated in tree planting.

Write them at:

Trees for Life
3006 W. St. Louis
Wichita, KS 67203-5129

Call them at:

(316) 945-6929
(316) 945-0909 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

Trust for Public Land - this organization works to protect open space for public use.

Write them at:

Trust for Public Land
116 New Montgomery Street, 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105

Call them at:

(415) 495-4014
(415) 495-4103 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:


WildAid (Active Conservation Awareness Program — ACAP) - WildAid's mission is to end the illegal wildlife trade within our lifetimes. To achieve this WildAid uniquely focuses on raising awareness to reduce the demand for threatened and endangered species products and to increase public support for wildlife conservation. Click for Celebrity Messages.

Write them at:

744 Montgomery Street, Suite 120
San Francisco, CA 94111

Call them at:

(415) 834-3174
(415) 834-1759 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:

The Wilderness Society - Founded in 1935 by a group of "spirited people who will fight for the freedom of the wilderness," this organization is devoted to preserving wilderness and wildlife, protecting American forests, parks, deserts and shorelands and fostering an American land ethic. They are dedicated to preserving and protecting America's wild places before they vanish.

Write them at:

The Wilderness Society
1615 M St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Call them at:

(202) 699-2900
(202) 663-2300 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:


Wildlife Conservation Society

Wildlife Conservation Society – is dedicated to sustaining biological diversity, teaching ecology and inspiring environmental care. They are working to advance the field sciences, propagate endangered species, preserve habitats in peril and enhance the public's understanding and appreciation of nature.

Write them at:

Wildlife Conservation Society
2300 Southern Boulevard
Bronx, NY 10460

Call them at:

(718) 220-5100

Visit their web site:


World Society for the Protection of Animals – WSPA has offices around the world specializing in the protection of all animal life. They have provided disaster relief, humane education, international campaigns and hands-on projects for the past forty years protecting animals around the world.


Write them at:

89 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7TP

Call them at:

+44 (0)20 7587 5000
+44 (0)20 7793 0208 Fax


Write them at:

Lincoln Plaza
89 South Street, Suite 201
Boston, MA 02111

Call them at:

(617) 896-9214
(617) 737-4404 Fax

Visit their web site:

Email them at:

World Wildlife Fund is a great source of information about projects that are protecting all kinds of endangered wildlife... in wetlands as well as the rainforests of Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

 Write them at:

World Wildlife Fund
1250 24th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20037

Call them at:

(202) 293-4800
(202) 293-9211 Fax

Visit their web site:


YES! Youth for Environmental Sanity - is an international, non-profit youth environmental group that works to educate, inspire and empower young people to take positive action for the future of life on Earth. YES! leads week-long summer youth leadership programs and also has an amazing road show that combines music and drama to show young people that the choices they make affect the way the world is, today and in the future.

 Write them at:

YES! Youth for Environmental Sanity
240 Harkleroad Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Call them at:

(831) 465-1091
(831) 465-1237 Fax

Visit their web site at:

Email them at:



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